Double Delight

There will be days filled with sun, and others with rain. Remembering this while standing in the rain can take away a bit of the severity as you roll with the punches.

I took my children to see the roses today. I realized that we had not visited yet and June has nearly closed her doors.

Winding our way through the beautiful rows of flowers I lead them to my favorite bunch, Double Delight and a memory struck me. My Aunt Betty had these same blooms outside of her home in Montana on a late August afternoon in 2000. It was then that she introduced me to my favorite flower. S

he passed away last week and I stood looking at the flowers, thinking of Betty, and all that she stood for and meant to me growing up.

People will not remember what you achieved, but rather how you made them feel. I felt loved, cared for, and filled with humor whenever I spent time with my aunt. May her memory be a blessing and live on through our hearts and our days.

Double Delight blooms 2024

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